
A Response to the Ebola Panel, Kevin Winnie ‘16

Attending the Ebola information panel and researching more about the Ebola virus, I have come to an understanding that the American and international response to the widespread outbreak has been nonexistent while Western media perpetuates stereotypes of Africa. As the Ebola virus has become more widespread across Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, combatant forces in…

Ebola in the News: A Historical and Political Perspective

  Lunch talk sponsored by the History Department and African Studies:   Ebola in the News A Historical and Political Perspective A recent NPR story reported that the recent outbreak of the Ebola virus has “Broken All The Rules” (Sept 20, 2014). “Worst Case Scenario: CDC Predicts 1.4 Million Cases in Four Months” (New York…

Northern Africa, Muslim Women Voices Festival, @ Wesleyan THIS WEEK!

From my colleague, Typhaine Leservot A quick announcement to bring your attention to several events this week involving Northern Africa through the “Muslim Women Voices” festival: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 at 4:15 PM / Daltry Room (Music Rehearsal Hall 003) / free: Women’s Voices, Verbal Ability, and Symbolic Power: The Case of Moroccan Shikhat. Alessandra…

Update from Brodigan Award Recipient Esi Quagrainie

Esi (’14) has reported on her “Ghana Writing Project” that commenced this summer: I have had three classes with them so far. It has exceeded all my expectations – the students have been so respectful and extremely eager to learn. They are always very happy to see me and they have done all the reading…

Welcome to African Studies @ Wes!

Wesleyan University’s African Studies Cluster is devoted to facilitating a deeper understanding and engagement with Africa for the Wesleyan Community and beyond. We bring together a diverse array of courses focusing on Africa, culling the interests of faculty specializing in Africa from a wide variety of disciplines. This broadly interdisciplinary cluster focuses on a large…

Brodigan Award Information Session, Friday March 29, 4:10pm, PAC002

We will be holding an information session for students interested in applying for the Brodigan Award in 2013. This will be held on Friday March 29 in PAC 002. Bring any questions to the meeting or email scroucher@wesleyan.edu if you have any specific queries. Further details of the award can be found at: https://africa.blogs.wesleyan.edu/christopher-brodigan-award-2013/