ASA Indaba 2018
The ASA organized the annual Indaba with a range of interesting events and speakers before the annual Ariya Cultural Show.
Claudia Kahindi ’18 awarded prestigious Rhodes Scholarship for Kenya
Congratulations to recent AFST grad and former African Students Association chair, Claudia Kahindi ’18, on being awarded the Rhodes Scholarship for Kenya 2019.
African Studies Minor Info Session
African Studies Minor Info SessionPlease join faculty and students at noon at Ubuntu House (34 Lawn) for a discussion of the African Studies Minor at Wesleyan. Food will be served.
African Studies Senior Celebration
Friday May 11th Senior Presentations and Awards 10:30am in the RLL Lounge Allegra Ayida, Kingdom in the Creeks: A History of the Warri Kingdom Lucia Proctor Bonbright, Blood and Bones: A Memoir Claudia Kahindi, Immanent Disaster: An Examination of Climate Change in Turkana Irvine Peck’s-Agaya, Ibogaism: The Black Man Religion West African Drumming and Dance…
Congratulations to Artist-in-Residence Iddrisu “Iddi” Saaka!
Iddi is among this year’s recipients of the Binswanger Prize for Excellence in Teaching at Wesleyan. It is a well deserved award! Iddi has taught at Wesleyan since 2008. He earned a diploma in dance from the University of Ghana and an MFA in dance from UCLA. A dancer, dance teacher, and choreographer from Ghana,…
The 2017 Christopher Brodigan Award Winners
This year we had an amazing set of applications from 10 students. We wished we could support all of their projects! This year’s winners are: Bridget Adarkwa (’17) and Nailah Hines (’17) Their project supports the Girl’s Education Initiative of Ghana, in Ghana’s Ashanti and Greater Accra regions. GEIG is dedicated to the professional…
UPDATE: April 17: Talk with Dr. Mbaï, part of our “Migrant Stories” series.

One on One Talk & Tea with Dr. Mouanodji Mbaissouroum Monday, April 17, 2017 NEW TIME: 4:30 PM LOCATION: Highwaymen Common Room, Romance Languages & Literature, 300 High Street The African Studies minor is proud to announce the launch of a new series: “Migrant Stories” People sharing their stories of how and why they ended…
Kahindi ’18, Campus Compact Newman Civic Fellow
Congratulations to our very own Claudia Kahindi ’18, named the Campus Compact Newman Civic Fellow. For more information: http://newsletter.blogs.wesleyan.edu/2017/04/07/kahindi18newmanfellow/?gaclick=newsitem1