Recently the African Studies Department celebrated the seniors who graduated with the New African Studies Minor, the Brodigan Awardees, and those who wrote their theses on the African continent. Check out some of the pictures below.
Nov. 6 from 5-6pm in the Zelnick Pavilion (Refreshments Provided) Come Meet the African Studies Faculty Learn How to Build Your Own African Studies Course Concentration Meet the Faculty and Learn About Upcoming Events! All are Welcome! Upcoming Student Events! Nov. 7&8 The African Innovation Summit and Ariya Student Show Check back for more details!…
“The Origins of Voluntary Compliance: Attitudes toward Taxation in Urban Nigeria” with Adrienne Lebas (American University) Monday 10/27 @ noon in PAC 004 How do states convince citizens to pay tax? Rather than focusing on enforcement, most accounts emphasize voluntary or “quasi-voluntary” compliance as an essential element in successful tax regimes. There remains, however, limited…
Mark Your Calendars! The second event on Ebola sponsored by African Studies is coming soon! Ebola: Understanding the Public Health Response Thursday, October 23 at noon in PAC 001 Featuring: Dr. Matt Carter (Wes ’76), the Connecticut State Epidemiologist: What do we need to know about Ebola in C0nnecticut? Prof. Anna Geltzer (SISP) : What…
Panel Discussion: Gender, Islam, and the “Muslim Problem” Thursday, September 18, 2014 at 7:00 PM CFA Hall • • • § Aida Mansoor ¶ President of the Muslim Coalition of Connecticut § Leila Buck ’99 ¶ Writer, performer, and teaching artist § Dr. M. Saud Anwar ¶ Mayor of South Windsor, Connecticut § Typhaine Leservot…
Women’s Voices, Verbal Ability, and Symbolic Power: The Case of Moroccan Shikhat. Alessandra Ciucci (Northeastern University) 4:15 PM Wednesday, September 17 The Daltrey Room (Rehearsal Hall Room 003) For musicians and audiences in North Africa and the Middle East hearing music means, first and foremost, hearing a poetic text. The Arabic term musiqa (music), in…
Colloquium – Su Zheng, Li Yinbei, Ma Chengcheng, Sun Yan Exploring Music in China’s New African Diaspora—An Innovative U.S.-China Team Research Project This Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Location: Freeman Center for East Asian Studies Time: 4:15 p.m. Since the 1990s, African traders and investors have made their way to China as a result of the…
‘Leo Africanus’ Discovers Comedy: A Mediterranean Adventure From Wesleyan’s Website: Sep. 15, 2013 by Ann Tanasi This talk stages a dialogue between two theatrical traditions at the end of the Middle Ages: the popular theater of the Arabic and Islamic world and the theater of Christian Europe. It does so through the adventures of Hasan…
A talk by Rachel Schurman, a professor of sociology from Minnesota, about her project “Science for the Poor: Foundations, Firms and the New Green Revolution for Africa” at 4:30 pm Monday, October 14, in PAC 001. Her website, http://www.soc.umn.edu/people/schurman_r.html.