
Assistant Professor of Government at Wesleyan University

Richard A. Elphick (History) Nominated for the Herskovits Award

Our very own Professor of History, Richard A. Elphick, has been nominated for the African Studies Association’s Melville J. Herskovits Award for his book, The Equality of Believers: Protestant Missionaries and the Racial Politics of South Africa (Charlottesville, and London: University of Virginia Press, 2012). The Award honors the most outstanding book published in African…

Campus Event: Africa in China

Colloquium – Su Zheng, Li Yinbei, Ma Chengcheng, Sun Yan Exploring Music in China’s New African Diaspora—An Innovative U.S.-China Team Research Project This Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Location: Freeman Center for East Asian Studies Time: 4:15 p.m. Since the 1990s, African traders and investors have made their way to China as a result of the…

Event: ‘Leo Africanus’ Discovers Comedy: A Mediterranean Adventure

‘Leo Africanus’ Discovers Comedy: A Mediterranean Adventure From Wesleyan’s Website: Sep. 15, 2013 by Ann Tanasi This talk stages a dialogue between two theatrical traditions at the end of the Middle Ages: the popular theater of the Arabic and Islamic world and the theater of Christian Europe. It does so through the adventures of Hasan…

Event: Schurman on the New Green Revolution for Africa

A talk by Rachel Schurman, a professor of sociology from Minnesota, about her project “Science for the Poor: Foundations, Firms and the New Green Revolution for Africa” at 4:30 pm Monday, October 14, in PAC 001.  Her website, http://www.soc.umn.edu/people/schurman_r.html.

Welcome to African Studies @ Wes!

Wesleyan University’s African Studies Cluster is devoted to facilitating a deeper understanding and engagement with Africa for the Wesleyan Community and beyond. We bring together a diverse array of courses focusing on Africa, culling the interests of faculty specializing in Africa from a wide variety of disciplines. This broadly interdisciplinary cluster focuses on a large…

Max Perel-Slater (’11) and Maji Safi win award

Max Perel-Slater (’11) and his Maji Safi Group’s project (Tanzania) have won the Advancing Leaders Fellowship. Max was a recipient of our Brodigan Award which helped him start this project. Congratulations! Meet the Winners: World Learning Advancing Leaders Fellowships Awarded to Five Alumni.

African Feminisms, March 1, 2013

African Feminisms The African Studies cluster symposium March 1st, 2013, Allbritton 311 1:30pm: Welcome remarks 1:40pm: Ousseina Alidou, Associate Professor, Department of African, Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Literatures, and Director of the Center for African Studies, Rutgers University. “African Muslim Women’s Agency, Leadership and Contribution to Social Change.” Followed by ten minutes…